The story behind Cantankerous Cait

When you Google the word “cantankerous” this is what you’ll get:




  1. bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative.

    "a crusty, cantankerous old man"

Let me introduce myself. I’m Cait, and I am, in fact, a crusty old man.

The name “Cantankerous Cait” comes from the small yet crucial role I played as a bleach blond, cross-armed, thirteen year old middle aged woman on a set of playing cards my aunt made several years ago. See the background image for proof, the wrinkles do not lie. Been crusty for a while now, but it’s who I am and I’ve come to embrace it. If you’re not cranky with the world, what are you?

I currently live in Nashville, Tennessee. I love writing. This site began as a pandemic passion project and has continued to be a space for me to talk about the experiences I’ve had and the things that inspire me. I might expose myself as a freak as time goes on, but I promise I’ll grow on you.